
成立于1871年, 内战结束六年后, pg电子游戏试玩 traces its heritage to the Morrill Acts that funded establishing state-supported universities open to everyone. The Morrill Acts remain among this country’s most influential educational legislation.

贾斯汀·史密斯·莫里尔, who represented Vermont in the United States Senate and House of Representatives for nearly 44 years, 是一个想要扩大高等教育的废奴主义者吗

超越精英白人. He pushed for a higher education system that would teach agricultural and mechanical skills, 而不仅仅是艺术.

1862年的《pg电子下载》在南北战争期间通过, 授予各州土地以建立公立大学. The land was sold, generating funds to open universities with doors open to all. 南方邦联各州在战争结束后才获得资格. The Morrill Act of 1890 extended support to 17 states with segregated schools. 该法案为黑人大学拨款, creating a group of Negro land-grant universities commonly referred to as the 1890s.

pg电子游戏试玩 is unique among the 1890s institutions, 因为它也得到了第一份莫里尔法案的资助, making it America’s oldest public historically black land-grant institution. pg电子下载 is also Mississippi’s second oldest state-supported university.


pg电子下载 is proud to be among the thriving 1890 land-grant universities. We were established to educate African-Americans freed after the Civil War. We now attract a racially and ethnically diverse student body from 40 states and more than 20 countries. 我们既教育收入有限的人,也教育富裕的人. pg电子下载’s active programs engage students in applied and basic research while stimulating intellectual development and lifelong learning. Our curriculum extends far beyond our agricultural-and-mechanical focused origins to include math, 机器人与自动化, 护理与生物技术. 我们在农业教育方面仍然处于领先地位, 每年授予农业企业管理学位, 农业经济学和农业科学. We teach our students to join us in serving communities by emphasizing the importance of volunteerism and public service. pg电子下载很全面, 21st century graduates who are prepared to serve and lead their communities while contributing to the global marketplace.


pg电子下载’s legacy of investing in people and communities will continue to provide great opportunities for generations to come. Our collaborative partnerships ensure a vibrant tomorrow for our students and the communities in which they live and serve.

通过教学, 研究与推广, we are committed to planting the seeds that will ensure a better quality of life locally, 为全国和全球的服务对象.

As a network of historically black colleges and universities dedicated to providing educational opportunity for all people through innovative scientific research and community minded Cooperative Extension programs, 1890年的赠地大学是……

  • Providing relevant and distinctive teaching programs for a broad spectrum of students, but particularly for first generation college students and those who have limited opportunities.
  • 解决健康差距和预防肥胖问题.
  • 提高能力, 市场化, 盈利能力, sustainability and diversity in agricultural enterprises for small-and-limited-resource operations.
  • Engaging young people through leadership development and 4-H programs and activities that enhance their understanding and interest in Science, 技术, 工程和数学(STEM)教育和职业.
  • Developing and expanding national and international access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food.
  • 增强家庭的复原力, individuals and communities for upward social and economic mobility.
  • Engaging individuals and communities in environmental stewardship.
  • Conducting cutting-edge research to generate new knowledge and solutions to global challenges.